Medal of Honor-Pacific Assault to be free?

We really love EA’s On The House program for Origin on PC . It is cool, having given away some superb games for free in the past. The latest game that will be offered free under the “On The House offerings” scheme is rumored to be a n old favorite Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault. Though the game is old, having been first released in 2004, it is still immenely popular among PC gamers worldwide for its action packed sequences and scenarios. In fact, some universities have reportedly used it as a serious game for training.

Medal of Honor: Pacific Assault sells for about $15 US or so. The game itself is pretty good, too, so it’s something you should look into downloading- for free, who can complain? There are no strings attached or any fine print at all- you get the game for free, as long as you have an Origin account. We have not tried it ourselves and have no idea if this is just a rumor or actually true. If you love the game then its worth going to Origin and seeing if it is really available for free.
